Paginator::setCache cache paginator with filesystem adapter, how to clear it manually?

For faster visiting, I cache the paginator in cache with filesystem adapter.

my getPaginator function

public function getPaginator(BasicFunc $basicFunc, $page)
	if (!$page) $page = 1;

	$cache = $basicFunc->fsCachePaginator('data/cache/article/design-list','paginator', 600); //this method I pasted bellow.


	$select = new Select('article_designs');
	$whereArr = ['valid' => 1];
	$select->order('id desc');

	$selectAdapter = new DbSelect($select, $this->tableGateway->getAdapter());
	$paginator = new Paginator($selectAdapter);

	return $paginator;


public function fsCachePaginator($path, $namespace, $ttl)

	$cache = $this->storageFactory->create(
		['ttl' => $ttl, 'namespace' => $namespace, 'cache_dir' => $path],
				'name' => 'exception_handler',
				'options' => [
					'throw_exceptions' => false,
				'name' => 'Serializer',

	return $cache;


I offered a api to clear the concrete cache by key stuff params.

public function cacheapiAction()
	$paramsArr = $this->getRequest()->getQuery()->toArray();

	$requestArr = array('time', 'key', 'path', 'namespace', 'ttl', 'signature'); //$key,$path,$namespace,$ttl
	foreach ($requestArr as $value) {
		if (!isset($paramsArr[$value])) exit('0' . $value);
	if (count($paramsArr) != count($requestArr)) exit('0');
	if ($paramsArr['time'] < time() - 3600 || $paramsArr['time'] > time() + 600) exit('0');
	if (!$this->basicFunc->signatureProgress($paramsArr, 'privateSecretxxxxxxxx', 'valid')) exit('0');

	$this->basicFunc->fsCacheApdater($paramsArr['key'], $paramsArr['path'], $paramsArr['namespace'], $paramsArr['ttl'], 'remove');


public function fsCacheApdater($key, $path, $namespace, $ttl, $action = 'get', $value = null, $metaMark = false): mixed

	$cache = $this->storageFactory->create(
		['ttl' => $ttl, 'namespace' => $namespace, 'cache_dir' => $path],
				'name' => 'exception_handler',
				'options' => [
					'throw_exceptions' => false,
				'name' => 'Serializer',

	//$cache->clearExpired(); /* 如果速度慢的话,可以注释掉这一行 */

	if ($action == 'get') {
		if (!$cache->hasItem($key)) {
			return false;
		} else {
			if (!$metaMark) {
				return $cache->getItem($key);
			} else {
				return [$cache->getItem($key), $cache->getMetadata($key)]; //先返回data,后返回meta

	} elseif ($action == 'set') {
		return $cache->setItem($key, $value);
	} elseif ($action == 'remove') {
		if ($cache->hasItem($key)) $cache->removeItem($key);

But how to clear the paginator’s cache manually when needed?

The caching feature of laminas-paginator is described in the documentation and there you will also find some examples on the current topic:

use Laminas\Paginator\Paginator;

// $cache is a Laminas\Cache\Storage\StorageInterface instance

// …

// clear the cache of the results for page 3

// clear all the cache data

Please note that you create two independent caches. One in the method fsCachePaginator and another one in fsCacheApdater.

Thank you so much for replying me!

Sorry that I didn’t read the documation clearly.

Yes, you are right! I create two independent caches, Because I don’t know how to merge them to one.

Now, they are two independent caches, It runs at least.

Later I will try to merge when I have time.

Now I need to clear the paginator’s cache separately.

Please see the laminas-cache documentation for details on how to integrate for a laminas-mvc based application: