I want to achieve this kind of routing:
GET domain.com/parent-route
GET domain.com/parent-route/:value
POST domain.com/parent-route
UPDATE domain.com/parent-route/:value
GET domain.com/parent-route/:value/child-route-1
GET domain.com/parent-route/:value/child-route-1/:child1value
POST domain.com/parent-route/:value/child-route-1
UPDATE domain.com/parent-route/:value/child-route-1/:child1value
GET domain.com/parent-route/:value/child-route-1/:child1value/child-route-2
GET domain.com/parent-route/:value/child-route-1/:child1value/child-route-2/:childRoute2Value
POST domain.com/parent-route/:value/child-route-1/:child1value/child-route-2
UPDATE domain.com/parent-route/:value/child-route-1/:child1value/child-route-2/:childRoute2Value
I’m using ZF 2.5.2, thanks!
Seems quite straightforward: besides the HTTP method (which will probably be your leaf route), it is nested child routes.
What did you try so far?
I tried something like this:
return [
'router' => [
'routes' => [
'parent-route' => [
'type' => 'segment',
'options' => [
'route' => '/parent-route[/:id]',
'defaults' => [
'controller' => 'MyModule\Controller\Rest\First',
'may_terminate' => false,
'child_routes' => [
'child-route-1' => [
'type' => 'segment',
'options' => [
'route' => '/parent-route[/:id]/child-route-1[/:child_route1_id]]',
'defaults' => [
'controller' => 'MyModule\Controller\Rest\Second',
'may_terminate' => false,
'child_routes' => [
'child-route-2' => [
'type' => 'segment',
'options' => [
'route' => '/parent-route[/:id]/child-route-1[/:child_route1_id]/child-route-2[/:child_route2_id]]',
'defaults' => [
'controller' => 'MyModule\Controller\Rest\Third',
'controllers' => [
'invokables' => [
'MyModule\Controller\Rest\First' => 'MyModule\Controller\Rest\FirstController',
'MyModule\Controller\Rest\Second' => 'MyModule\Controller\Rest\SecondController',
'MyModule\Controller\Rest\Third' => 'MyModule\Controller\Rest\ThirdController'
When i accessed the route:
It goes to the SecondController::getList() function of my Rest Controller instead of SecondController::get($value).
Check the nesting of those arrays: your second route doesn’t seem to be under the first one. Alao, the optional bits (like [/:id]) can’t work like that, as they can ambiguously match either an ID or a child route.
Thanks @ocramius,
I finally figured it out. The :id was ambiguous and needs to be unique for the parent and child routes.