Doctrine EntityManager

Whats the correct way to use doctrine in Mezzio? Specifically how to obtain instance of the Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager from the container within a factory to pass as constructor argument of related handler?

I’m currently getting ‘You have requested a non-existent service “Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface”’ and also unsure how and where to define the database parameters in my module.

I have the following factory:

final class UsersHandlerFactory
    public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container): RequestHandlerInterface
        $entityManager = $container->get(EntityManagerInterface::class);

        return new UsersHandler($entityManager);

and in related handler:

public function __construct(private EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)

and config:

public function getDependencies(): array
        return [
            'invokables' => [],
            'factories'  => [
                Handler\UsersHandler::class => Handler\UsersHandlerFactory::class,


The correct way retrieving an EntityManager instance from the service container is …

namespace Marcel\Factory;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container): RequestHandlerInterface
    $entityManager = $container->get(EntityManager::class);
    return new UsersHandler($entityManager);

Instead of getting EntityManagerInterface::class just use EntityManager::class. That should fix your issue. The type hints are okay, because the entity manager implements the interface. I personally use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager as type hint, because it 's the most basic interface. Using the EntityManagerInterface is fine, too.

Hi @ezkimo,
Thanks for the reply but unfortunately that did not work either. Still requesting a non existent service.
I’ll need to investigate further to establish where the services get defined and how to inspect whats available in the container.


do you use the vendor package roave/psr-container-doctrine? If not, what do you use instead for doctrine implementation in mezzio?

If you 're using roave/psr-container-doctrine you can define a factory in your application config.

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'factories' => [
            'doctrine.entity_manager.orm_default' => 

Taken from: GitHub - Roave/psr-container-doctrine: Doctrine Factories for PSR-11 Containers

You 're able to call the entity manager instance by the name its registered in the config.


Hi - thanks for the reply. Yes was using that but had it incorrectly configured. I’ve moved the config into:
which hopefully is correct, but then receive another error:
Class "Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache" not found

So need to familiarise myself with the config side of things more :slight_smile:

If you are willing to dig into some code, you can have a look at a real-life example.

We configure roave/psr-container-doctrine in config/autoload/ It could be a different file name, but it make sense to me to split doctrine stuff from other things. (the actual login/password will be in a non-versioned config/autoload/local.php).

Then we configure the container with an alias first in my-ichtus/ at a4d77f0b05ec7c5d065787c11c03982508701c22 · Ecodev/my-ichtus · GitHub. And most importantly we configure the EntityManager factory in my-ichtus/ at a4d77f0b05ec7c5d065787c11c03982508701c22 · Ecodev/my-ichtus · GitHub.

In our case our custom EntityManagerFactory is pretty straighforward and is only needed for our special use of filters. Most likely you can take a shortcut and configure the container directly with \Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\EntityManagerFactory instead.

Finally all of this can be used like this: my-ichtus/ImageFactory.php at a4d77f0b05ec7c5d065787c11c03982508701c22 · Ecodev/my-ichtus · GitHub

$entityManager = $container->get(EntityManager::class);