Filter that allows only files of special types(pdf, doc etc)

Do we have input filters that allows the user to upload file of specific types (pdf, doc, ,.odt etc) and do not permit to upload files of type - .png, jpg etc.

Please have a look at the validators for files in the documentation:

In the following snippet the execution never goes into the MyValidator:

 private function addInputFilter() 
        $inputFilter = new InputFilter();        
        // File Input
        $fileInput = new FileInput('fieldOne');
        $isRequired = false;		
        if($this->scenario == 'create')
            $isRequired = true;
                'target'    => './data/documents/formtemplate',
                'use_upload_extension' => true,
        // Only allow 'pdf
        $fileValidator = new MimeType('application/pdf');
		// Perform validation
        if ($fileValidator->isValid('./myfile.pdf')) {
            // file is valid
            'name'     => 'fieldOne',
            'required' => true,               
            'validators' => [
                    'name'    => MyValidator::class,
                    'options' => [
                        'item' => $this->fieldOne,
                        'scenario' => $this->scenario,
                        'itemType' => 'fieldOne',
                        'max' => 128,


My objective is to have the file-type validation logic in MyValidator, that is the following code segment need to be in MyValidator:

 $fileValidator = new MimeType('application/pdf');
		// Perform validation
        if ($fileValidator->isValid('./myfile.pdf')) {
            // file is valid

But I am stuck in the basic thing - execution don’t go in there at all.

Add the Mime validator to your input filter:

$inputFilter = new Laminas\InputFilter\InputFilter();
        'type'       => Laminas\InputFilter\FileInput::class,
        'name'       => 'fieldOne',
        'required'   => $this->scenario === 'create',
        'filters'    => [
                'name'    => Laminas\Filter\File\RenameUpload::class,
                'options' => [
                    'target'               => './data/documents/formtemplate',
                    'use_upload_extension' => true,
            // add here other filters…
        'validators' => [
                'name'    => Laminas\Validator\File\MimeType::class,
                'options' => [
                    'mimeType' => 'application/pdf',
            // add here other validators…