How to integrate Doctrine into a Zend-Expressive project?

I have created a zend-expressive project, I would like to integrate Doctrine, I am using this documentation

but I get this error:

Too few arguments to function Album \ Handler \ ListAlbumsHandler :: __ construct (), 0 passed in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ expressive \ vendor \ zendframework \ zend-expressive \ src \ MiddlewareContainer.php on line 64 and exactly 4 expected

what did i do wrong?

First of all, you might want to read the latest docs here:
zend-expressive is renamed to mezzio and the zend-expressive components will not get any more updates.

Without seeing any code and only that error message, I’m guessing you forgot to create a factory for the album handler and add it to the service container. You can find more information about factories here: