Installing zend 2 from documentation - getting 3.0.3-dev

needed to help a friend with ZF2, so went to:

ran this command:

php composer.phar create-project -sdev --repository-url="" zendframework/skeleton-application path/to/install

this is what I see when running it:

You are currently running Zend Framework version 3.0.3-dev

how do I download and install Zf2 via composer?

Add the version number at the end of the create-project command:

$ composer create-project zendframework/skeleton-application path/to/install 2.4.*

See at Composer documentation: Command-line interface / Commands - Composer

Is there any reason against version 3?

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can’t use 3 just yet - need 2 at the moment, will migrate to the latest version soon.