Is there better way to retrieve global configuration

Hello everyone,
Is a better way to retrieve global configuration automatically loaded by laminas.

Current, i have defined the fine in the config/autoload folder to return array config.
Then, i my view, I had to load this config again using the laminas-config component. Since i could not understand a better way to retrieve this custom config.

My codes are:

return [
    'site_config' => [
        'site_name' => "Job Site"


$config = Laminas\Config\Factory::fromFile(__DIR__.'/../../../../config/autoload/');

How can I achieve the above effectively using the normal process?
P.S: Am still new to laminas.

You should not implement such login in a view. Instead pass required config data as view data. This means you need to fetch your config data in the controller action or request handler. Best is to have your configuration as a dependency.

Eg.: a request handler in Mezzio:

class IndexHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
     * @var TemplateRendererInterface
    protected $config;

    public function __construct(TemplateRendererInterface $renderer, array $config)
        $this->renderer = $renderer;
        $this->config = $config;

    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
        return new HtmlResponse($this->renderer->render(
                'site_name' => $this->config['site_config']['site_name']

And the factory class for that:

class IndexHandlerFactory
    public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container) : ItemGroupHandler
        return new ItemGroupHandler(

Notice that you fetch the conifg data in the factory from the DI container and pass it to the request handler as a dependency.

How would this be accomplished using MVC?

For something as simple as accessing e.g. $config[‘site_config’][‘site_name’] from the layout, one wouldn’t want to fetch the config in every controller action on the site, just to pass it to the layout.

Most likely the cleanest way I can think of would be to write and register a custom view helper.

See the following:

Since your factory will have access to $container you can get the config from there. You can even call other view helpers within your custom helper.