Laminas Input Filter Issues

i am struggling to understand how i can use input filter but i can’t .
firstly i use this video as resource to understand it : “PHP Laminas MVC Web Development - 04d Filtering and Validating Data - YouTube

i create a CreateForm.php for signup.
my controller :

public function createAction(){
    $auth = new AuthenticationService();
        return $this->redirect()->toRoute('home');
    $createForm = new CreateForm();
    $request = $this->getRequest();
        $formData = $request->getPost()->toArray();

            try {
                $data = $createForm->getData();

                return $this->redirect()->toRoute('home');
            } catch (RuntimeException $exception) {
                return $this->redirect()->refresh();
    $view  = new ViewModel([
        'form' => $createForm
    return $view;

my getCreateFormFilter() in my AuthManager.php:

use Laminas\InputFilter\InputFilter;
use Laminas\InputFilter\Factory;
public function getCreateFormFilter(){
        $input = new InputFilter();
        $factory = new Factory();

i just try to add one element but my editor showing me the message below
qst 1 : is this way correct ??
qst 2 : my editor show me this msg :“Argument ‘1’ passed to createInput() is expected to be of type Laminas\InputFilter\InputProviderInterface|Laminas\InputFilter\InputSpecification|Traversable, array givenPHP(PHP0406)”.I can’t identify the problem

Your array is correct but it looks like your editor does not understands types defined via Psalm:

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thank you for your reply but i can’t see the solution

If only your editor reports a problem, but your application works, change the editor/IDE or ignore it.