The LM-Commons organization has started development for a new version of the LmcRbacMvc package that provides Role Based Access Control to Laminas MVC applications.
The package has been around for several years without any significants improvements.
We are looking for comments and enhancements suggestions for a version 4.
Please take a look at this issue on Github for details.
We are also looking for contributors that can help in development and reviews.
My suggestion is related to the current version: add support laminas-component-installer which means that the configuration of the components is automatically injected.
And you don’t need that in your blog post: 
Currently, lm-commons/lmc-user
does not inject the module into the application’s config and you will have to add it manually.
Agreed. As I was writing the tutorial, I took a mental note to update packages with the component installer.
Thanks for reminding me
Hi @froschdesign,
Is there a way to specify a version when injecting a component? Thanks!
It will inject the version that Composer downloaded.
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@visto9259 is right here. The download is done by Composer itself and follows the same rules as for other packages. See in the documentation of Composer: “How does Composer download the right files?”
Thanks @visto9259 and @froschdesign for sharing this information. One last question here, does it check if that particular component is already present in the configuration?
Thanks, @froschdesign. Question for @visto9259, should we add the doctrine migration package in our modules and inject them as mentioned in this post?
Let’s continue this discussion in the repository issues
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