I am using zend mail to send/reply to emails.
I need to create a message-ID and set In-Reply-To. The code works, but when I check the results there is a weird encoding, which messes everything up.
How it looks like:
In-Reply-To: =?UTF-8?Q?<8a299e85f4f6b03a991740b10ed194bde9c21619@localhost.eu>?=
Message-ID: =?UTF-8?Q?<76251b6a8a859d4c2bd7ecd70a3aff811991d6b7@localhost.eu>?=
How it should look:
In-Reply-To: <8a299e85f4f6b03a991740b10ed194bde9c21619@localhost.eu>
Message-ID: <76251b6a8a859d4c2bd7ecd70a3aff811991d6b7@localhost.eu>
The code I use to create the message-ID:
$messageid = new Header\MessageId();
$_messageid = $messageid->createMessageId();
if (strpos($_messageid, "?UTF-8?")) {
$_messageid = mb_decode_mimeheader($_messageid);
$message->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('Message-ID', '<' . $_messageid . '>');
I also tried to remove setEncoding, but no luck so far.
The code for In-Reply-To:
$message->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('In-Reply-To', $in_re_to);
If I \Log::info($in_re_to) everything looks fine. I dont see these weird UTF-8? thing.
I am using Zend Mail V 2.3.