I’ve a question about how to get with the creation inversion (IOC), via $goServiceManager->get(‘Foo’);, an object instance by passing something to inject with the $option parameter of the __invoke FactoryInterface’s method.
For example, I have the following factory:
class LogNamedFactory implements Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface {
public function createService(Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator) {
// not used, for the moment
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container/*a.k.a $goSiteManager*/, $requestedName, array $options = null) {
$oLogNamed = new \stdClass();
$oLogNamed->sFullPathLogName = $options['sFullPathLogName'];
return $oLogNamed;
Then, I’m “learning” the ServiceManager how to create one with the IOC:
$goServiceManager->setFactory('LogNamed', LogNamed::class);
I’m stuck here: is it possible - in one line - to say that I want to get an LogNamed object instance by passing\using the factory’s $option parameter, setting it with the path of a log filename? Something like:
$oMyLogNamed = $goServiceManager->get('LogNamed')[basename($sFullPathLogFileName)]; // (???)
$oMyLogNamed = $goServiceManager->get('LogNamed')->???(basename($sFullPathLogFileName)); // (???)
Should I create a real LogNamed class (I would like to type the return of __invoke, replacing its actuel signature with something like public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName, array $options = null): LogNamed )?
Can I create a LogNamedAbstract class hierarchy (is it possible to use the $option parameter, as a “token” to indicate which type of object - in the hierarchy - should be created and returned)?
Can I use parameter $option, as a “token” for direct injection into a new() returned by a construct inside a factory?
Put another way, how can I pass a configured $option parameter to a factory->__invoke(); from the calling code, using ServiceManager->get();, if possible?
That’s a lot of questions (I know)…