Integrate laminas-form
with Twig template.
Extend Twig with the laminas-form
functions and helpers.
I’m not sure if some parts of laminas-view
are required to make the integration works.
I did a small demo but I couldn’t make it work, all it renders is form labels.
It was inspired from @akrabat demo (outdated)
Hi everybody, I made it work, I hope it is the right way to do it, I updated the repository:
// ... get twig environment
$helper = new FormElement();
$renderer = new PhpRenderer();
$helpers = $renderer->getHelperPluginManager();
$config = new HelperConfig();
$serviceManager = $config->configureServiceManager($helpers);
$twigEnvironment->registerUndefinedFunctionCallback(function($name) use($serviceManager){
$helper = $serviceManager->get($name);
$callable = [$helper, '__invoke'];
$options = ['is_safe' => ['html']];
$fn = new TwigFunction($name, $callable, $options);
return $fn;
An example of this integration as a twig extensions could be like the following:
class LaminasFromTwigExtension extends AbstractExtension
private $formElement;
private $renderer;
private $config;
* @inherit
public function __construct(FormElement $formElement, PhpRenderer $renderer, HelperConfig $config)
$this->formElement = $formElement;
$this->renderer = $renderer;
$this->config = $config;
public function getFunctions()
$fns = [];
$pluginManager = $this->pluginManager();
$serviceManager = $this->serviceManager($pluginManager);
$aliases = $this->configure($serviceManager);
$options = ['is_safe' => ['html']];
foreach ($aliases as $name => $definition) {
if ($serviceManager->has($name)) {
$plugin = $serviceManager->get($name);
$callable = [$plugin, '__invoke'];
$fns[] = new TwigFunction($name, $callable, $options);
return $fns;
private function pluginManager(): HelperPluginManager
return $this->renderer->getHelperPluginManager();
private function serviceManager(HelperPluginManager $pluginManager): ServiceManager
return $this->config->configureServiceManager($pluginManager);
private function configure(ServiceManager $serviceManager): array
$config = $this->config->toArray();
return $config['aliases'];
Is this still required? It’s more work than Twig+Form with ZF3.
Do you mean there’s another easy way to do the integration?
Using laminas-form
with plates is pretty much the same:
namespace Common\Plates;
use Laminas\Form\View\Helper\FormElement;
use Laminas\Form\View\HelperConfig;
use Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager;
use Laminas\View\HelperPluginManager;
use Laminas\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer;
use League\Plates\Engine;
use League\Plates\Extension\ExtensionInterface;
class LaminasFormExtension implements ExtensionInterface
private $formElement;
private $renderer;
private $config;
public function __construct(FormElement $formElement, PhpRenderer $renderer, HelperConfig $config)
$this->formElement = $formElement;
$this->renderer = $renderer;
$this->config = $config;
* @return void
public function register(Engine $engine)
$pluginManager = $this->pluginManager();
$serviceManager = $this->serviceManager($pluginManager);
$aliases = $this->configure($serviceManager);
foreach ($aliases as $name => $definition) {
if (!strpos($name, '/') && !strpos($name, '\\')) {
if ($serviceManager->has($name)) {
$plugin = $serviceManager->get($name);
$callable = [$plugin, '__invoke'];
$engine->registerFunction($name, $callable);
private function pluginManager(): HelperPluginManager
return $this->renderer->getHelperPluginManager();
private function serviceManager(HelperPluginManager $pluginManager): ServiceManager
return $this->config->configureServiceManager($pluginManager);
private function configure(ServiceManager $serviceManager): array
$config = $this->config->toArray();
return $config['aliases'];