I am reading in the docs that Laminas-DI supports autowiring out of the box. So if understand that correctly, I should not need any configuration and classes should be injected via contructors right away. However that is not the case
Are my expectations correct?
In other frameworks like Laravel or Symfony, if I create a new class and I pass it to a constructor of another class it just gets injected. Does it work the same in Laminas?
Can you point me to some minimal example? I have already tried but most of the examples I find are either explicitly defining the dependencies or are using an abstract factory concept.
In another words I would like to get rid of the following code in my Module.php
public function getControllerConfig(): array
return [
'factories' => [
Controller\AdvertController::class => function($container) {
return new Controller\AdvertController(
public function getServiceConfig(): array
return [
'factories' => [
Model\AdvertTable::class => function($container) {
$dbAdapter = $container->get(AdapterInterface::class);
$resultSetPrototype = new ResultSet();
$resultSetPrototype->setArrayObjectPrototype(new Model\Advert());
$tableGateway = new TableGateway('advert', $dbAdapter, null, $resultSetPrototype);
return new Model\AdvertTable($tableGateway);
I am kind of evaluating Laminas/Mezzio (among other frameworks) as a candidate to rewrite a ZF1 application but my daily bread is C# or .NET so I know concepts like DI but have not really used them in PHP or Laminas so I might be missing something really elementary.
So if I am correct even if I use the reflection-based factory I need to explicitly configure it for every single class or can I make the reflection-based factory a default or something like that to achieve the behavior of other frameworks where it just works out of the box?
Sure, I understand that in cases like the second example (the one with more preparation) the specific factory makes sense and is the only reasonable option. But I actually don’t like the code of the second example I just put it here since it is present in the docs. I mean imagine having more tables in DB (which is quite an expected scenario I would say) it does not make much sense to me to have such a complicated factory for each model/table gateway like that. I would definitively look for another option in this case.
Yeah, I have googled a lot and Mezzio seems to be quite a good choice to migrate from ZF1 using the strangler pattern. But to be honest since migration from ZF1 means a sort of complete rewrite anyway that puts other (non Laminas) frameworks into play to. And I must say I am kind of twisted here. I mean I like the idea of having everything under my control in Laminas/Mezzio as opposed to other “magical” frameworks. On the other hand I also see the benefit there as one do not have to define everything as it gets tedious and repetitive.
I hope I was able to express myself in a way that is understandable and clear. Thanks again for your response. I will probably spend some more time evaluating
Thanks a lot. It always takes some time to understand the philosophy behind the framework
Btw I am probably weird but I do not like Doctrine either. What I really like is the good old Zend_Db_Select stuff enhanced with hydrators to get typed objects instead of arrays.