I’ve rencently installed the laminas skeleton on a Ubuntu 20.04 distribution and i wold like to share an issue I have been trought.
It is related with composer.
I have installed a LAMP following a guide from a well know site and the composer via apt package manager.
When I’ve introduced:
composer self-update It shows me a strange error message
The one of the screenshot.
I followed the guide and then introduced the next intruccion:
composer install
After some time I’ve been showed this error message
After some tests and Google search I decided to begun again and this time with a manual installation of composer downloaded from the compose site.
This time I’ve been able to finish the laminas skeleton installation.
Hope that it helps!
Sergi Garcia Besora
September 28, 2020, 8:48am
More information on this issue:
Composer in the ubuntu 20.04 repos is 1.10.1
The self-update flag was added to composer in 1.10.2
### [2.0.0-RC1] 2020-09-10
* Added more advanced filtering to avoid loading all versions of all referenced packages when resolving dependencies, which should reduce memory usage further in some cases
* Added support for many new lib-* packages in the platform repository and improved version detection for some ext-* and lib-* packages
* Added an `--ask` flag to `create-project` command to make Composer prompt for the install dir name, [useful for project install instructions](https://github.com/composer/composer/pull/9181)
* Added support for tar in artifact repositories
* Added a `cache-read-only` config option to make the cache usable in read only mode for containers and such
* Added better error reporting for a few more specific cases
* Added a new optional `available-package-patterns` attribute for v2-format Composer repositories, see [UPGRADE](UPGRADE-2.0.md) for details
* Fixed more PHP 8 compatibility issues
* Lots of minor bug fixes for regressions
### [2.0.0-alpha3] 2020-08-03
* Breaking: Zip archives loaded by artifact repositories must now have a composer.json on top level, or a max of one folder on top level of the archive
* Added --no-dev support to `show` and `outdated` commands to skip dev requirements
* Added support for multiple --repository flags being passed into the `create-project` command, only useful in combination with `--add-repository` to persist them to composer.json
* Added a new optional `list` API endpoint for v2-format Composer repositories, see [UPGRADE](UPGRADE-2.0.md) for details
* Fixed `show -a` command not listing anything
* Fixed solver bug where it ended in a "Reached invalid decision id 0"
This file has been truncated. show original
Self-update is really for when you have a local composer install for your project. When you have a globally installed composer via the operating system’s package manager you get the latest in the repos by apt update/upgrade.