In zf2 i use DelegatorFactory for add event listeners to services, controllers and etc. Now update framework to zf3 (3.0.0) and have problem with all events in listeners.
Hello! There are no error messages. The problem is most likely that I am not correctly subscribing to events.
I tracked the creation of the service factory in the debugger.
A service class is created (implements EventManagerAwareInterface), an event is added. Since there is no EventManager, it is created. But with an empty SharedManager.
Delegators are connected who can also add a subscription to events.
After the delagators comes the initializer, which sees that there is no SharedManager and clears all my events.
This change was made 5 years ago.
So far I have only 1 solution - in each factory add a SharedManager from the container. But this is not very convenient.
This is a custom class / service, right? Can show the related code for this class? I think you create a separate event manager without the a shared event manager therefore the event manager instance from the application is set to your class / service.
class MyService implements EventManagerAwareInterface
use EventManagerAwareTrait;
protected $warehouseService;
public function __construct(Warehouse $warehouseService)
$this->warehouseService = $warehouseService;
public function saveOrder(OrderEntity $order)
$this->getEventManager()->trigger('onSaveOrder', $this, ['entity' => $_order]);
Factory service:
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName, array $options = null): Order
$service = new MyService(
$eventManager = $service->getEventManager();
//Send mail manager, user etc for event onSaveOrder
$mailListenner = $container->get(OrderMailListener::class);
return $service;
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $name, callable $callback, array $options = null)
$service = call_user_func($callback);
$eventManager = $service->getEventManager();
//Save logs for user action in office
$agregate = $container->get(OfficeLogger::class);
return $service;
As a result, it turns out that everything worked until version 2.7. In version 3 EventManagerAwareInitializer cleans up everything I did in the factory and deligator.
A similar problem is described here
It turns out that I have to inject the EventManager from the container into each class in the factory.
Why is the SharedManager necessary?
Instead of doing it in the initializer and forgetting. I will do this in every factory.