API Tools Admin UI: Cannot create the API module

It took me days to realize that the marked solution from Laminas API Tools - unable to create new API in Admi UI - #5 by divix is what I needed to take a closer look at.

When trying to add an API in the Laminas API Tools Admin UI, I still get the same error, but now I know how to fix it (manipulate code manually) so I can still use the API Tools Admin UI:

Bildschirmfoto_2021-08-28_10-56-51 (Kopie 2)

As you can see in the screenshot above, another folder named NewAPI is automatically created under the src folder. I totally overlooked that when trying to add the new module to the autoloader in my comopser.json-file.

The following works fine for me now:

  • I do not delete the new entry ‘NewApi’ from modules.config.php
  • I am adding the new module to the autoloader in my comopser.json-file:
"autoload-dev": {
        "psr-4": {
            "NewAPI\\": "module/NewAPI/src/NewAPI/"

After these steps and a page refresh, my new API is available in Laminas API Tools and I can work with it.