Hi all and all, currently I work on the migration in zf3 of a project develop under zf2. and I am confronting two problems, the first one is: - After modifying the project in zf3 format, respecting the configauration of zf3 and the getlaoder supersession, I come across this error: 'Fatal error: Uncaught Zend \ ModuleManager \ Listener \ Exception \ InvalidArgumentException: The configuration being merged must be an array, implement the Traversable interface, or be an instance of Zend \ Config \ Config. given integer. in C: \ project \ itiv31 \ vendor \ zendframework \ zend-modulemanager \ src \ Listener \ ConfigListener.php: 332 Stack trace: # 0 C: \ project \ itiv31 \ vendor \ zendframework \ zend-modulemanager \ src \ Listener \ ConfigListener .php (366): Zend \ ModuleManager \ Listener \ ConfigListener-> addConfig (‘C: \ project \ itiv3 …’, 1) # 1 C: \ project \ itiv31 \ vendor \ zendframework \ zend-modulemanager \ src \ Listener \ ConfigListener.php (142): Zend \ ModuleManager \ Listener \ ConfigListener-> addConfigByPath (‘C: \ project \ itiv3 …’, ‘glob_path’) # 2 C: \ project \ itiv31 \ vendor \ zendframework \ zend-eventmanager \ src \ EventManager.php (322): Zend \ ModuleManager \ Listener \ ConfigListener-> C: \ project \ itiv31 \ vendor \ zendframework \ zend-modulemanager \ src \ Listener \ ConfigListener.php line 332 '.
please, I’ll need someone’s help