How to use Trait in laminas

I would like to create a standard JsonModel format. Furthermore, I think I will implement a trait and use it in a controller. However, I couldn’t find a way to using trait in Laminas. How do you solve the issues? Should I use trait or have another way better?

Well, there is a huge discussion about traits in PHP anyway. It seems that most developers tend to avoid traits for a good reason. If you 're interested in this discussion, have a look at this discussion on twitter:

Anyway, you can use Traits in Laminas at any time. Here 's a short example using the JsonSerializable interface and the method jsonSerialize as a trait.

namespace Application\Entity\Trait;

trait JsonTrait
    public function jsonSerialize()
        $data = get_object_vars($this);
        return json_encode($data);

As you can see this is a simple trait for JSON encoding object properties. You must use the normal namespacing rules for the PSR-4 autoloading in laminas. Once created a trait, you can use it like all other stuff in laminas.

namespace Application\Entity;

use Application\Entity\Trait\JsonTrait;
use JsonSerializable;

class MyNameEntity implements JsonSerializable
    use JsonTrait;

    protected string $name = '';

    public function getName(): string
        return $this->name;

    public function setName(string $name): void
        $this->name = $name;

As you can see this is a simple value object containing the a name property and implementing the JsonSerializable interface. Beside that we 're using our JsonTrait. Just implement it by using the standard use statement before listing the class properties.

Let 's use this …

$entity = new Application\Entity\MyNameEntity();
$json = json_encode($entity);

The above shown example ends up with …


This example demonstrate the basic usage of traits. If you use traits you should decide on your own.

You can use Laminas\View\Model\JsonModel in your controller. Internally, the model uses laminas-json which supports the JsonSerializable interface and the methods toJson and toArray of your objects.

In the quick start of laminas-view you will find an example: