I use this pattern from this example
* Helper trait for auto-completion of code in modern IDEs.
* The trait provides convenience methods for view helpers,
* defined by the laminas-i18n component. It is designed to be used
* for type-hinting $this variable inside laminas-view templates via doc blocks.
* The base class is PhpRenderer, followed by the helper trait from
* the laminas-i18n component. However, multiple helper traits from different
* Laminas components can be chained afterwards.
* @example @var \Laminas\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer|\Laminas\I18n\View\HelperTrait $this
* @method string countryCodeDataList(?string $locale = null, array $dataListAttributes = [])
* @method string currencyFormat(float $number, string|null $currencyCode = null, bool|null $showDecimals = null, string|null $locale = null, string|null $pattern = null)
* @method string dateFormat(\DateTimeInterface|\IntlCalendar|int|array $date, int $dateType = IntlDateFormatter::NONE, int $timeType = IntlDateFormatter::NONE, string|null $locale = null, string|null $pattern = null)
* @method string numberFormat(int|float $number, int|null $formatStyle = null, int|null $formatType = null, string|null $locale = null, int|null $decimals = null, array|null $textAttributes = null)
* @method string plural(array|string $strings, int $number)
* @method string translate(string $message, string|null $textDomain = null, string|null $locale = null)
* @method string translatePlural(string $singular, string $plural, int $number, string|null $textDomain = null, string|null $locale = null)
trait HelperTrait
But I get the error PHPDoc tag @var for variable $this contains unresolvable type.
at level 2 or above with PHPStan.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Does anyone have a workaround?
I decided to make a dummy class just for type hinting.
Not sure if this is a good idea (it seems kind of janky), but if anyone else has a better idea, let me know!
use Laminas\I18n\View\HelperTrait;
use Laminas\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer as LaminasPhpRenderer;
class PhpRenderer extends LaminasPhpRenderer
use HelperTrait;