Joining three tables

hi there!
I have a model by the name of ‘Keywords.php’ with the following content:
namespace Blog\Model;

<?php class Keywords { private $id; private $keyword; private $counter; public function __construct ($id,$keyword,$counter){ $this->id = $id; $this->keyword = $keyword; $this->counter = $counter; } public function getId(){ return $this->id; } public function getKeyword(){ return $this->keyword; } public function getCounter(){ return $this->counter; } } and my repository by the name of 'KeywordsRepository.php' that contains the below code: <?php namespace Blog\Model;/** use InvalidArgumentException; use RuntimeException; use Zend\Db\ResultSet\ResultSet; // Replace the import of the Reflection hydrator with this: use Zend\Hydrator\HydratorInterface; use Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterInterface; use Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\ResultInterface; use Zend\Hydrator\Reflection as ReflectionHydrator; use Zend\Db\ResultSet\HydratingResultSet; use Zend\Db\Sql\Sql; class KeywordsRepository implements KeywordsRepositoryInterface { private $db; private $hydrator; private $keywordsPrototype; public function __construct ( AdapterInterface $db, HydratorInterface $hydrator, Keywords $keywordsPrototype) { $this->db = $db; $this->hydrator =$hydrator; $this->keywordsPrototype = $keywordsPrototype; } public function findAllKeywords() { $sql = new Sql($this->db); $select = $sql->select('keywords') ->order('counter DESC'); $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select); $result = $statement->execute(); if ( !$result instanceof ResultInterface || !$result->isQueryResult()) { return[]; } $resultSet = new HydratingResultSet($this->hydrator, $this->keywordsPrototype); $resultSet->initialize($result); return $resultSet; } public function findKeyword($pid) { $sql = new Sql($this->db); $select = $sql->select('keywords') ->join(['k'=>'keywords_relation'],' = k.kid') ->where([''=>$pid]); $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select); $result = $statement->execute(); if(!$result instanceof ResultInterface || !$result->isQueryResult()){ return[]; } $resultSet = new HydratingResultSet($this->hydrator,$this->keywordsPrototype); $resultSet->initialize($result); return $resultSet; } } i have three ralated tables : keywords: id |keyword|type|order ------------------------ ------------------------ posts: id | title | description | text --------------------------- -------------------------- keywords_related: id | kid | pid the pid is the identifier for and the kid is for . the case is in KeywordsRepository->findKeyword() i have passed $pid as the id of the post and i want to act like this: public function findKeyword($pid) { $sql = new Sql($this->db); $select = $sql->select('keywords') ->join(['k'=>'keywords_relation'],' = k.kid') ->where([''=>$pid]); $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select); $result = $statement->execute(); if(!$result instanceof ResultInterface || !$result->isQueryResult()){ return[]; } $resultSet = new HydratingResultSet($this->hydrator,$this->keywordsPrototype); $resultSet->initialize($result); return $resultSet; } the $pid is obtained right in my controller here: $id = $this->params()->fromRoute('id'); the problem is when joinig these three tables: $select = $sql->select('keywords') ->join(['k'=>'keywords_relation'],' = k.kid') ->join(['p'=>'posts'],['k.kid'=>'']) ->where([''=>$pid]); how should i provide the right query to solve the problem?????? it would be kind of you to help me out!!!!

I have figured it out by chance:

->join(['k'=>'keywords'],' = keywords_relation.kid')
->join(['p'=>'posts'],' =')

just select from the table to which we use joining tables.