Magento 2 : Error Cannot declare class Zend_Http_Client, because the name is already in use

We are on Magento 2.3.5 with laminas lib packages.
Error is throwing "**Cannot declare class Zend_Http_Client, because the name is already in use in include called at /app/xxxxxx/vendor/composer/ClassLoader"** when we used below code:

An error comes when using the class as follows:
$client = new \Zend\Http\Client();

Does anyone have an idea whether it is a problem with laminas-bridge

Iā€™m able to resolve the issue by doing follows:

  1. Open the composer.json and Remove the below code from ā€œconfigā€ block or set the "use-include-path" to false.

"use-include-path": true

  1. move vendor folder to vendorbkup ( mv vendor vendobkup )
  2. composer install -vvv --profile
  3. php bin/magento setup:upgrade && php bin/magento setup:di:compile && php bin/magento s:s:d

Magento has removed "config": { "use-include-path": true } from 2.2.x versions