Contribute a new component


I wrote a library and I’d like to contribute it to laminas as a new component. How is it possible?

Hello and welcome to our forums! :smiley:

By presenting your component here. For example, what problem does your component solve or does it complement an existing component. Are there packages that solve the same problem and how does it compare. A link to a repository would also be helpful.
So anything you can think of to advertise your component.

Maybe you can also explain why you think the component should be included in the Laminas Project.

This is about comunication with Bitly to get shortened links.

Any interests? or not?

Hello, @Nimas! Link your github repository, please

no answer yet? or what?

I asked myself the same question.

Where is the presentation of your library? I had listed a few points that would be interesting and important. And if @kliker02 hadn’t asked, we wouldn’t even have a link.

How to present it? If I call it frequently to show just as a sample presentation, Bitly will spam me.
In I gave full documentation how to use it. and now it has +22k downloads.

Write about your library here. Do some advertising!

And give some explanations. For example:

  • What is Bitly?
  • Are there packages that solve the same problem and how does it compare?
  • Does Bitly offer its own PHP library?
  • Why do you think the component should be included in the Laminas Project?
  • and more…