How to make mezzio-swoole serve long time and stable

Hello, I want to know how to use mezzio-swoole keeping a daemon as a long time server?

the following command can run a temporary server, but it will break down when my client terminal disconnect with my server:
$ ./vendor/bin/laminas mezzio:swoole:start

How to make it stable like nginx webserver. Should I run a “screen” software to keep the above command always runing? Or should I add a “&” at the end of the above command to make it running in background? Or should I run a “supervisord” software to daemon?

Anybody can teach me on this? Thanks!

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Reading your post, I also got interested on it.

I have never read about swoole deployment techniques (and also have never worked with something similar)

I got to know via this page Migration - mezzio-swoole - Laminas Docs

Just simply add ‘-d’ at the end of the command “$ ./vendor/bin/laminas mezzio:swoole:start”.

I just wonder whether this way is stable or not.

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on linux you can put it as a service