Jefersson Nathan has opened an issue on the ZF website with the following:
What I propose is a place where we could share and get to know some successful projects and/or decisions that made Zend Framework a good choice to real world challenges. That would be nice to know how ZF is playing in the market nowadays, and how creative solutions is being made upon the framework.
What we want to achieve:
- Safe and open place where everyone can share theirs experiences with the framework (ofc accepted by zf maintainers)
- Share real world projects using ZF solutions
- Help maintainers to know better how the community is using the Framework in a creative way
- Help on take a decision whether to use it or not
How that is going to work?
It will be based on simple interactions. Users can open pull requests against this repository with an article telling their experience; articles should be submitted within the data/case-studies/
directory in markdown, and can use this sample as a foundation on which to start. Post to the #general channel in the Slack, and the community can then vote and a ZF member can either approve or reject it.
Iām looking forward to hear from you all.
By Zend Framework I mean the components (expressive, mvc, mail, etc).